Armstrong Air and Space Museum will visit Dayton Metro Library to deliver two unique space-related programs for children in grades 1-4.
During Mission Nutrition with Armstrong Air and Space Museum!, kids will learn about space-appropriate food and MyPlate (the current nutrition guide published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion). Participants will also practice packing a balanced days’ worth of food for an astronaut along with taste-testing real astronaut food.
Wilmington-Stroop Branch
Tuesday, July 25, 10-11 am
Northwest Branch
Tuesday, July 25, 2-3 pm
Kettering-Moraine Branch
Tuesday, July 25, 4-5 pm
West Carrollton Branch
Thursday, August 3, 10-11 am
Miamisburg Branch
Thursday, August 3, 2-3 pm
Black Holes with Armstrong Air and Space Museum will be held at the Miami Township Branch on Thursday, August 3, from 12-1 pm. Kids will learn how black holes are formed and the science behind their existence by using balloons and aluminum foil.
Registration is not required for these programs. For more information, visit Additional questions may be directed to the Library’s Ask Me Line at 937.463.2665.